Our Focus Areas

Older LGBTQ+ Adults

The progress of today is only possible because of the raised voices of yesterday. The LGBTQ+ community stands on the shoulders of individuals who spent their lives laying the groundwork for social and legislative victories. In particular, Black and Brown trans women and femmes initiated the protest that became Pride and built stepping stones for progress yet to be realized.

Missourians Aging with Pride strives to enhance the quality of life of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older adults through advocacy and community awareness. Together, through a coalition of statewide partners, we can fulfill PROMO’s mission to center the most vulnerable and end the invisibility of aging members of the LGBTQ+ community.



While work to provide services for older adults gained momentum in 1965 with the passage of The Older Americans Act, care focused on the unique needs of the older LGBTQ+ community was often lacking.


In 2015, SAGE of Metro St. Louis merged with PROMO Fund to become SAGE of PROMO Fund. This merger allowed for the core services of Information and Referral, Community Outreach/Education and Advocacy with LGBTQ+ older adults expand across the state of Missouri.


SAGE of PROMO Fund then became Missourians Aging with Pride in 2023.  In addition to providing resources and information, the organization advocates within state agencies and the legislature to support initiatives that educate providers on caring for the community along with policy actions to highlight areas of most need.


The State of Missouri prioritized LGBTQ+ seniors as a population designated with “greatest social need” meaning this formal naming ensures state officials include the needs of LGBTQ+ older people in their aging efforts in the State Aging Plan. It also requires recommendations and guidance from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services on providing respectful treatment of LGBTQ+ older people and residents.

Few other states have made this type of progress, even those which have traditional more overt and visible support for LGBTQ+ community members.


Where can I receive training for my staff about LGBTQ+ older adults?

Organizations and corporations that are committed to offering comprehensive, competent care and services for LGBTQ+ older adults are encouraged to partner with SAGECares. SAGE is the oldest and largest LGBTQ+ aging care provider in the country. SAGECares will help your staff understand the unique needs and concerns of LGBTQ+ older adults and guide you in providing the best possible person-directed care. More information is available here: https://sageusa.care/about-us/

The Missouri LGBTQ Older Adult Alliance provides quarterly training for service providers and AAA staff. Those events are posted on our events page.

As an LGBTQ+ older adult, where can I receive support or services?

MA4 is the statewide association for Missouri’s Ten Area Agencies on Aging. This group offers services such as benefits enrollment support, COVID vaccine assistance, health insurance guidance, health care marketplace navigator services, medicare support, pension rights advocacy, and more. You can find them here: https://www.ma4web.org/